Tsa Cho Forestry
Tsa Cho Forestry LP was formed by DRFN to determine if there is a forestry opportunity for the community.
The project has been underway for almost 4 years and it is the largest proposed First Nations Woodland License in British Columbia. If the license is obtained DRFN will have ownership and control over the forests in their traditional territory.
Tsa Cho Forestry is dedicated to community based forest management. The land surrounding Good Hope Lake has never been logged because high transportation costs rendered the area not economically viable. Now new markets and processing facilities exist that create an opportunity for DRFN to become involved in forestry.
Tsa Cho Forestry creates not only opportunities for economic prosperity and meaningful employment but will play a critical role in fire prevention and suppression in the area.
A Woodlands Storage Yard will also be created to store small tools and equipment needed for their forestry operations.